
Thursday 7 April 2011

Main Task (Questionnaire and Results)


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Questionnaire Results

Summarising the results of my questionnaire which five people took so far it shows the ages of them to be between the ages of 16 to 18+, which was the age range I was hoping for my research into target audiences.

The key things that I found out through the responses made by the people who took my quiz it showed that all but one doesn’t watch horror films that much but put down suggestions of a film that grabbed them and put down how I could make my video successful.
Other responses that I received from people who do watch horror films showed some genres which I think teenagers would like for as it shows more than one person choosing teen horror which is what I am interested in creating.
Some responses made as to what genre they like to watch, some I thought was typical around this time like as it shows of someone choosing vampires, it would be popular at this time because of Twilight more to teenage female audiences then male.
From responses of from people as to what they like about their favourite horror films and why they like it shows how I can make my video successful because it shows what they like about the horror films they prefer to watch

How has your audience research helped you?

The ways in which my target audience research will help me to create a successful product because it gives me as to how to approach the planning of my product and what elements I can include if I still want to carry on in my plan of creating a teen horror. The responses that people made has also helped me because the comments that have been made as to way they like their favourite horror so it gives me ideas as to what I can make mine about. Then adding the question to the survey of  any tips on how I can make my video successful gives me an idea of how my target audience thinks I can make it successful so I get opinions from their perspective of what makes a good horror film.

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