
Thursday 7 April 2011

Main Task (Script)


Person 1- Are you warm enough?
Person 2- Yeah I’m fine
Person 3- Are you sure I’ve got a spare blanket if you want it
Person 2- No, honestly I’m fine
Person 1- Well it’s there if you want it
Person 2- I don’t know about you but I’m getting tired, so I think I’m gonna go to
                 sleep now
Person 1- Yeah me too
Person 3- Really, Its not even 12:00
Person 2- We know but we’re tired
Person 3- Fine, I’ll see you in the morning…night
Person 2- Night
Person 1- Night
Person 3- Oh have you still got the camera on
Person 2- Oh yeah hang on, should I turn it off now?
Person 3- Well yeah what you going to do film while you’re asleep
Person 2- Alright…god

(Character 2 is about to turn off the camera when they here a noise)

Person2- Wait did you hear that?
Person1- What, I didn’t hear anything
Person3- Me neither, are you sure you heard anything, I think you have had too much
               to drink
Person2 – No I haven’t I didn’t have any, honestly I heard something.
Person1- No you didn’t you just imagining it, go back to sleep and turn the camera
Person 2- Fine

(They here another noise, but this time it is louder)

Person2- ok you cannot tell you didn’t hear that
Person3- No… I heard that
Person1- Me too… what was that?
Person3- It was probably nothing, don’t worry about it, go back to sleep
Person 2- No I’m gonna wait for a while, see if it happens again.

( its silent for a while, then the noise happens again but this time it seems to be a lot closer than before, all characters hear this and get up straight away from their beds)

Person2- Ok, that sounds like something is moving around, its starting to sound a lot
                closer than before…I’m slightly scared now

Person3- Don’t worry it’s probably someone just messing about.
Person1- Well who’s out there cuz I thought we were the only ones here.
Person3- We are?

(Something repeatedly bashes against the tent, characters start to scream, then it stops, characters start to calm down)

Person3- Right I don’t know what that was, but it seemed to have gone. I’m gonna
               go and see if there’s anything out there.

(Person3 gets up to go outside to see what’s out there. They walk outside out of sight  of the camera, it turns silent then there is a scream from person3, then it turns silent. Characters left in the tent call out for their friend but there is no answer, so they both go outside to find out that their friend is gone and is no where to be seen).

Person2- Where are they?
Person1- What do you mean
Person2- I mean their gone
Person1 - Gone?

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