
Thursday 7 April 2011

Main Task (Analysing Similiar Products)

Analysing Similar Products

Now I am going to analyse the opening sequence of three films from the genre I have chosen which is horror.

First I am going to analyse the opening sequence of  Jeepers Creepers

Camerawork: To show the car moving along the road there is a master shot used so that you can see the car from a great distance whilst the camera is tracking the car as it is gradually getting closer using a steady cam. Throughout the scene of the two characters talking, the camerawork that is being used is a two shot so that you can get both of them in view while they are in the car.
Editing: The editing techniques that are used in this scene is a shot reverse shot when Darry is trying to speed up to van to see the license plate. It is used so that you can see that Darry is trying to read what it says on the license plate so it shows him then the license plate then back to him again. Another editing technique that is used is cutting, this is used while the characters are talking so that it cuts out the movement of the camera, but as it moves back and forth from each character then it shows that they are talking to one another.
Sound: At the start of the film before it gets on the scene of the road, dramatic music is played, this is most likely used to help determine what type of genre of film this is going to be. Another use of sound in this scene is the dialog used between Trish and Darry. Whilst they are driving in the car ambient sound is created by the movement of car and sound it makes along the road.
Mise en Scene:
Location - America
Setting - In the countryside
Props - Car and van
Actors - Casting for Darry and Trish, Justin Long and Gina Philips and the old couple in the caravan
Costumes - The clothes that the actors are wearing in this scene
Make up - There is natural make up used for the characters in this scene
Lighting - Ambient lighting created by the daylight in this scene while they are in the car.

Second film that I am going top analyse is Final Destination

Camerawork: At the start of the scene tracking is used slightly to follow the mother form the door way into the boys room. Mid-shots and close ups are used to show the characters taking to one another and to show the reactions on the each of the characters at the thought of Alex going away on a trip to Paris. Zooming in on dad as he is talking then focusing  back on to Alex. Whilst they are in the airport a lot of mid-shots are used of the characters and master shots to show all the students. Its uses examples of zooming out as it shows when they are in the airport and Alex is looking staring at the plane it zooms out and then becomes a over shoulder shot. It then shows a close between Alex and his friend showing they are talking and that they don’t want to be overheard to much. It then shows a high angle of both of them in a two shot so you are able to see the both of them in the toilet cubicles. The camera then comes down on tilted angle moving in to show a close up of Alex’s face as the announcement is being made.
Editing: Throughout the scene starting off with when its in the house to when in it’s the airport, there are a lot of shot reverse shots to show the characters are looking at one another or they are viewing something that is in front of them and the camera is showing shots of the what they are looking at and then back to the characters. Examples of shot reverse shot in the house is when Alex is talking to his parents and example of one in the airport is when the girl looks back at Alex after he has picked her book up and then it focuses back on her again.
Sound: The examples of sound used in the this scene is dialog which is constantly used throughout when there features more than one character. There is also dramatic music used when there are shots of Alex on his own which is an example of non diegetic sound because the character can not hear it. There is also ambient sound featured which is background noise of the scene, so in this scene the most heard ambient sound is when it is filmed in the airport when you can hear the noise of people talking, announcements and the sound of the plane.
Mise-en- Scene:
Location- It is in America
Setting - The setting of scene starts in a house then in an airport
Prop- The props are the ones features in the house and in the airport
Actors- They cast the person to plays Alex, his parents, his friends and classmates, the teachers and the rest of the population in the airport.
Costumes - The costumes used are the clothes that all the characters are wearing throughout the scene.
Make up-  The make up that is used throughout the scene in the house and in the airport is the facial make up used for each character.
Lighting- The lighting that is used it high key lighting which is created by the lights in the house and in the airport. Then there is low key lighting with the lights off when Alex is in his bed asleep.

The last film that I have analysed is Halloween

Camerawork: Throughout this scene it is a hand held camera to show Michael moving around in the scene. Apart from the at the end of scene when it switches to steady cam  showing Michael’s parents take off the mask from Michael’s face and the camera zooms out from a high angle.
Editing: The example of editing used in this scene is where it cuts from Michael with the mask on to when his dad takes the mask off, this is used so that they can see the character of Michael.
Sound: The examples of sound in this scene is dialog between Michael’s sister and her boyfriend. Other examples of sound that is used in this scene is dramatic music to create tension in the scene, but as it is non diegitic sound it is added after the film is made so the characters can not hear it. Diegitic sound that is featured is the noises that are created in the house for example the noise of the clock. Other sounds that created are sound effects, in this scene the sound effect created is the stabbing of the knife when Michael is stabbing his sister.
Mise en Scene:
Location- It is filmed America
Setting- The first scene is set in the garden then entering in to the house
Props- The props that are used in this scene are the features of the garden and in the house and most importantly the knife in which Michael kills his sister with and the fake blood that is used as Michaels sisters blood.
Actors- The actors in this scene are Michael, his sister and her boyfriend and Michaels parents.
Costumes- What the actors are wearing for the characters clothing and Michael’s clown costume that he is wearing when he kills his sister.
Make up- The make-up used is facial make up and fake blood
Lighting- The darkness outside is an example of ambient lighting because it is created by the natural night light. In the house low key lighting is used so that it create a mysterious atmosphere whilst Michael is moving around in the house.

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