
Thursday, 7 April 2011

Main Task (Planning for film outline)

Planning for Film


My outline idea for my film will be that I want to do my video on horror. Some ideas which I have of how to make it, I am thinking of doing it hand held I thought of doing it this way after seeing the beginning scene in Halloween using a hand held camera and how it came across as more realistic to me, so I then thought of doing that way myself. My idea is to create an opening of a film using hand held camera work most likely using a camcorder, either keeping the awareness to the characters that there is a camera being used in the scene or using it to capture the scene but a hand held angle.

I will first briefly note down some ideas I how of what the storyline line will be of my opening scene, then I will chose out of the ideas I have made and make it clear on which one I have chosen and go into further detail.

The setting of my video I’m thinking of doing it in the dark, so it gives a mysterious atmosphere and that you don’t quite know what’s out there and you can’t really tell whether there is something there or not.

The story is going to be about a group of friends walking home from somewhere in the dark, and they start to notice that they are being followed. The group start to really notice that there might be something following them so they start to pick the pace and rush home. Someone falls behind and then gets hurt by the thing and starts to scream. The others hear this then rush back to find them but they gone.

Or it could be set in someone’s garden still keeping the idea of a hand held camera. A group of friends having a sleepover round someone’s house and they are sitting in their garden with their friends in the dark and they here a strange noise coming from the bottom of the garden but because it is dark they cant see, so they ignore then they hear it again so someone goes down there and they don’t come back. They wait for a while and the person still hasn’t returned and the noise has stopped. The rest go down there to investigate, but their friend is now where to be seen.

Another idea I have is that it is set in a garden but it is made out to be a group of friends on a camping trip. They are all sitting in the tent talking when they start to hear strange noises coming from outside. When it stops at first they ignore it, but then it happens again they all stay in the tent because they scared. The noise stops it becomes silent for a while then suddenly something is rubbing up against the tent then stops. After a while one of characters decides to go outside to have a look. The rest stay and wait until the other has returned. They hear a scream and all rush out to see what has happened but there is nothing out there and the person is nowhere to be seen.

Final Idea

The idea that I have decided to do is where a group of friends are out on a camping trip and in the end one of them goes missing.
The way in which I am going to film this is that one of he group is holding the camera and the others are aware of it so whatever is going on in the scene, it is revolving around the character who has got the camera, instead of selecting someone to film the scene separately from the scene. I have decided to do it this way because I think that it will make the scene seem more realistic because it is happening to the person and around the camera as things develop instead of just being observed by it.

It is going to be filmed in the dark at night time because I think the dark brings out a scary atmosphere to a scene because you cant quite see what’s out and in most cases you don’t really want to find out so in my idea at one point the characters feel isolated because there are scared of what it outside and they are scared if they do venture out because they cant see something will suddenly appear without the knowing.

I decided to create the idea around a camping trip because the trip could be in an unfamiliar territory to what the characters are used to and they don’t quite know where they are and they don’t know what is around. The camping trip will create a relaxed atmosphere around the characters because they will be concentrating more on having fun then to where they are. So when something does happen the characters will be more surprised and will scare easily.

The roles of the characters that I will select will be the group of friends including me who will the character who has the camera and the person who act as the thing outside creating the noises, rattling the tent and finally pretends to take the character way who leaves the tent and see’s what’s out there.

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